My Progress

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It's Been Just Way Too Long...

... Since I have posted! Wow June I think is the last post. I have had such a crazy busy summer!

We took the first two weeks of July for vacation time at our cottage and then right after that Bam!! A huge project at work and I am just now coming up for air. I have been working at our head office in the U.S. for the past twelve weeks, only coming home on some weekends. It's been pretty hard on my family not to mention my weight loss.

I have been able to pretty much maintain my previous weight loss which is a good thing for me, travel and weight gain usually go hand in hand for me. But not this time, even with eating most of my meals out I made a conscious effort to stay in control. I would go up a couple of pounds, down a couple of pounds but mostly maintained.

Now that I am back in town and working at my own office I definately have to get back on track. Of course I more travel coming up in October (Chicago) & November (Edmonton), when it rains it pours!! Oh well if all those new clothes that I bought in the states are going to fit I really have to take control again.

My mom had a stroke while I was in the states last week, which is one of the reasons I have opted to stay here and work. Not sure if that and my appetite are related in any way but I just can't seem to get enough junk food. I have been making some really bad choice for the past week and the scale is starting to reflect them! I am now up 6lbs from my lowest weight. Not good and time to rein this in. Which is another good reason to get back to this blogging.

Time to take control, start making my lunch everyday again and eating proper dinners!

Well that's it for tonight, wish me luck!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Best Weigh In Yet

When I stepped on the scales this morning it read 184 oh so close to being out of the 180's. This past month has been a battle with the scales. Up a pound, down a pound... I think I have finally broke the pattern. At least I hope so.

Well I have officially been Mrs. Stratton for two weeks now, still can't get used to the name change. Will likely be months before I have all my ID changed, the worst being my passport, oh what a PITA! Oh well the things we do to make our men smile...

Was a good day today, I think I have my uncontrolable eating under control again. Must be PMS, I have been craving sweet stuff all week and of course there is still an abundance of cake in the freezer. Freezer, you don't really think that would stop me! Frozen cake is really quite tasty especially in this hot weather!

Enough for tonight, it's late and time for me to go put my feet up and read for a while.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Back on Track

It's been a couple of weeks since I have had a chance to update this blog. Sure was a busy couple of weeks. All the prepartions for the wedding, the parties, oh the parties!!

The girls had a bachelorette party for me last Thursday, what a blast we had! Pictures to follow...

Wedding was last Saturday, I am now officially Mrs Stratton, feels great! We had a great day, the weather was perfect for our outdoor wedding. Everyone had a great time, loved the casual, relaxed atmosphere of the wedding.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Beautiful Friday Morning

Wow, what a great day! Sun is shining, birds are singing, scale stayed the same, and we are heading to the cottage for the weekend. Can it get any better than this?? Well maybe but this is sure a great way to start the long weekend!

Of course the jeans that I am wearing are going a long way towards this great "skinny" feeling I am having to day. I got them 4yrs ago and they never fit, way too tight!! Tried them on this am and not only do they fit now but they are a bit big!! Man does that feel good, I think I may be finally back on track and loosing again.

Now I just have to remember this great feeling when I am hungry and make the right choices!!

One week from today I will be madly running around getting the final preparations for the wedding done. I am starting get soooooo excited, who would have thought, me excited about getting married. I think Rod may even be more excited than I am!!

Life is good!

Well off to finish up the packing and getting ready to leave, to anyone reading this blog, have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sadly Lacking in Time for Blogging Lately

Well here I am back again, blogging at work...shhhhh... frowned upon around here but what the heck I just seem to have no time at home right now.

Been very busy lately, trying to get all the spring clean up done, keeping the lawns cut, weed eating done, plants planted....yatta, yatta, yatta. Well I am happy to say I am so caught up at home it's miraculous! Planted four new shrubs last night, did all the weed eating, (Rod had the grass cut! YEAH), and got the mulch all down on the gardens.

Of course all of this work is very tiring, I just drop into bed at night but the good news is my WI this week!! Woo hoo
185.6 lb
-3 lb
-36.6 lb

35.6 more pounds to loose and I will be at goal, of course the first 36 has taken me almost 6 months!

Finally I seem to have broken this plateau that I had been sitting on. Of course my eating habits of late have not been great, but this week I have been right on track and it paid off!! I also bought the WW Drinking Mug, I love it!! Have easily double my water comsumption since I bought it. I picked up two more yesterday for some ladies at work, same deal for them, can't believe how much water they are drinking!!

Wedding plans are coming along great, think we are pretty much done, Rod is picking up the Marriage Licence today. I am pretty sure that is the last thing we have to do. Can't believe it's coming up so quickly. Off to the cottage this weekend and then next weekend we get married. Much last minute stuff to do next week, not too worried though it will all get done or not. Either way the party is going to be great. :-)

Well better get my butt back to work! Got a wedding to pay for! lol

Thursday, May 3, 2007

MMmmmm Shopping!

Well my one night stay in Michigan has turned into a three night stay. Project didn't go quite as well as anticipated. No big surprise really! Fortunately I met my friend from here on Monday night and went shopping. Bought two new pair of jeans and a bunch of tops. Good thing cause I have sure needed them.

Funny how a business trip turns into pure pleasure! Had a couple of really nice dinners out with my friend, not points friendly either I might add. Grrrr..missed my weigh in this week and I think that may be a good thing. Was up a pound last week and I'm afraid this week will be the same. I will do my on-line weigh in when I'm home tomorrow morning. Really must get myself back on track! Opps forgot I am to meet another friend for lunch tomorrow back in London. Would like to be able to wear the "smaller" pair of jeans I bought for the wedding.

Now speaking of the wedding, things are coming along nicely. Rod found a barbeque for the pig, still trying to find a dj, have a couple of leads but have not firmed up yet. The cost of the dj really threw us, wow, had no idea they charged so much. We are really trying to keep the costs down as this not about a big splashy wedding but a gathering of friends to celebrate Rod's Birthday and our commitment to each other.

Well I had better get to work, project suppose to launch this am and then I get to head back to Canada!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Not such a great week!

Both my home scale and the WW scale shows me up a pound. Not good, and not sure why? I have stayed on plan and earned Activity Points. Oh well, I won't get discouraged, I'll just keep on plugging away at this journey.

At the cottage this weekend and that is usually always good for a pound loss. I love walking up here, usually go out at least two times a day. Different terrain than home, hard and loose sand and lots of hills. Good workout that's for sure.

Wedding plans coming along, I think the only big thing I have left is to hire a DJ and I think I have found him, just have to phone and confirm the date. Four more weeks and the big day will be here. It's so funny getting the rsvp's back, pretty much shocked most people, after all we have been living together for 10yrs now and have never mentioned marriage!

Heading to Ada for business on Monday, only for one night. Travelling is always one of my greatest food challenges. So hard to make wise choices in a resturant, I know it can be done but oh when you love food like I do it's very hard to do. I usually ordered what I normally would but order a half order and don't eat all of it.

Going to meet my good friend for dinner when I'm over there, has been a long time since we have been able to get together. Will be great to see her {waving to her}...

Enough for today, not raining yet so I think I'll get my butt out there for my first walk of the day.